Our Main Products
Durvillaea antarctica, is used for various recipes, including salads, stews, hamburgers and more. It is very rich in minerals and proteins. Cochayuyo seaweed has a high fiber content and low fat content.
A Nutritional Powerhouse
Cochayuyo is a rich source of essential minerals, as potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, and iodine. Its dietary value is significantly enhanced by its high fiber content, soluble minerals, and trace elements.
Due to its properties, the consumption of cochayuyo seaweed is recommended for:
- Weight control diets: because it is rich in fiber, causes a satisfying effect, and fights constipation.
- Helps control cholesterol: fiber from the seaweed helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
- Purifying effect: thanks to its richness in alginic acid.
- Helps tone our body: due to its large amount of minerals and proteins.
Chondracanthus Chamissoi
Commonly called sea chicory, and It is used as an ingredient in various dishes, both raw and cooked.